
Showing posts from May, 2019

Exp 2 Video

PARK Sonny_ARCH1101_Exp 2

36 Textures


Exp 2 Week 6 Feedback/Marking Schedule

Robert: ARCH1101                                     ARCHITECTURE DESIGN STUDIO 1 eXP_2               – THE BRIDGE–         [30 % OF FINAL COURSE GRADE] STUDENT         Robert                                                               TUTOR                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             BRIEF: Imagine you are the Dean of a school of Architecture or Engineering. Your school has 100 students who are drawn from all around the world and are supported by scholarships. Your challenge

Lumion + Sketchup file

Exp 2 Lumion Exp 2 Sketchup

Exp 2 Theory

Shanghai Exhibition Serves as a Platform for Architects’ Voices to be Heard pleasure, discomfort, juxtaposed, spark “Juxtaposition of pleasure and discomfort to spark new interpretations” Explanation of building in regards to thesis: My theory embarks the contrasting concepts of pleasure and discomfort which are used to evoke fresh perspectives of people towards building. The entrances of the building showcases the concept with its accessibility. The bridge has two ways of entrance; internally, from the connected buildings, or externally, with the staircases outside which gives individuals some difficulty in accessing the building due to its length and height. 

Sample Render

Central Lecture Theatre Studio Overall view Hero Entrance View from inside

Exp 2 The Bridge


Exp 2 Draft Rework Draft
